Candy Smoothie

[Closed] New!! DIY kits Pre-order!!

Candy smoothie 2014. 8. 12. 19:10

 Pre-Order Period::

12th~ 16th(Sat) August
 (Take 2~3 weeks of processing time till shipping.)

Shipping cost :: $5 USD by international registered mail.
(no extra with additional item)

Payment method :: Paypal

How :: Send mail to . 

items you want with your name , address. 

** Kit only. DIY Kits are not a complete dress. You have to sew for your doll.**

DIY Dress kit for SD -Classy navy

 (My Ruina is born in 2002. Her skin turned yellow. ^ ^)

 Here comes my first SD(about 1/3 scale dolls) dress kits.
 Unfortunately, dress kit for SD is make to order item.  
 SD dress need much more more fabric and lace than Yo-sd's. 
 Double extent in digital printing means double price. 
 I think a lot. but I really want to show Lolita dresses for SD.

 This is sample image of dress and final kits will be corrected tiny mistakes.

Kit Size for : SD and similar size dolls.  

Price: $35 USD

Sewing levels : Advanced

You can make One Dress + Head Dress.

Dress Chest is 24cm and waist is 23cm.
Total dress length is 33cm (without lace 30cm) 

::: Include:::

Printed fabric

Hem, Collar Lace

Ribbon for belt and Head Dress

Snap button

Printed instructions (with illustration and English describe)

 Lace and ribbon of sample image can be changed.

 Skirt width is 90cm. Full skirt style.
Petticoat will help make more volume against cloth's weight. 

     SD dress kits is  MTO item

 And continue taking orders after Pre-order period.
 (I can't say 
exact processing time after pre-order because it change every time.
but I'll try make print schedule ASAP.)

 If you want SD kit, ask me with no hesitation anytime.


New Yo-SD and Pukifee DIY kits

 Pre-order incentive : a pair of tube socks for one kits. 


 left: Yo-sd  right: pukifee

Just cut if you want short length. 

1. DIY Dress kit for Pukifee - Sweet sweets

 This is sample image of dress and final kits will be corrected tiny mistakes.

Kit Size for : Fairyland Pukifee, Lati yellow. -Chest of dress is 9.5cm-

Price: $13 USD

Sewing levels : Intermediate

You can make One Dress + Big ribbon.

::: Include:::

Printed fabric

Snap button

Printed instructions (with illustration and English describe)

Pattern is printed on fabric.

Just cut , sew and make unique Pukifee Dress. 

Lace and ribbon of sample image can be changed.


2. DIY Dress kit for Yo-SD - Sweet sweets 

 This is sample image of dress and final kits will be corrected tiny mistakes.

Kit Size for : Yo-SD and similar size dolls.  

Price: $18 USD

Sewing levels : Advanced

You can make One Dress + Big ribbon.

::: Include:::

Printed fabric

Hem Lace

Ribbon for belt and big ribbon

Snap button

Printed instructions (with illustration and English describe)

Pattern is printed on fabric.

Just cut , sew and make unique Dress. 

Lace and ribbon of sample image can be changed.


3. DIY Dress kit for Yo-SD - Sweet sweets JSK

 This is sample image of dress and final kits will be corrected tiny mistakes.

Kit Size for : Yo-SD and similar size dolls.  -Chest of dress is 16cm max-

Price: $15 USD

Sewing levels : Intermediate

You can make One Dress + Detachable collar.

::: Include:::

Printed fabric

Hem Lace

Ribbon for belt 

Snap button

Printed instructions (with illustration and English describe)

Pattern is printed on fabric.

Just cut , sew and make unique  Dress. 

Lace and ribbon of sample image can be changed.

Blouse and Dress form are not included. 


4. DIY Dress kit for Yo-SD - Old song BK

Old song Bk and Sky have same design only different color.
 But optical contrast and smudge of printing make illustration of torso blur.  
 I'll make more clear at final kit.
 If you want to check illustration 
refer to Sky ver.

 This is sample image of dress and final kits will be corrected tiny mistakes.

Kit Size for : Yo-SD and similar size dolls.  

Price: $18 USD

Sewing levels : Advanced

You can make One Dress + Head Dress.

::: Include:::

Printed fabric

Hem, Collar Lace

Ribbon for belt and Head Dress

Snap button

Printed instructions (with illustration and English describe)

Dress length 19cm (without lace 16cm)

Pattern is printed on fabric.

Just cut , sew and make unique Dress. 

Lace and ribbon of sample image can be changed.


5. DIY Dress kit for Yo-SD - Old song Sky

 This is sample image of dress and final kits will be corrected tiny mistakes.

Kit Size for : Yo-SD and similar size dolls.  

Price: $18 USD

Sewing levels : Advanced

You can make One Dress + Head Dress.

::: Include:::

Printed fabric

Hem, Collar Lace

Ribbon for belt and Head Dress

Snap button

Printed instructions (with illustration and English describe)

Dress length 19cm  (without lace 16cm)

Pattern is printed on fabric.

Just cut , sew and make unique Dress. 

Lace and ribbon of sample image can be changed.


5. DIY Dress kit for Yo-SD -Classy navy

Also, I take pre-order of Classy navy kit

Kit Size for : Yo-SD and similar size dolls.  

Price: $18 USD

Sewing levels : Advanced

You can make One Dress + Head Dress.

::: Include:::

Printed fabric

Hem, Collar Lace

Ribbon for belt and Head Dress

Snap button

Printed instructions (with illustration and English describe)

Pattern is printed on fabric.

Just cut , sew and make unique Dress. 

Lace and ribbon of sample image can be changed.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.