'Nini body' vs 'Obitsu11' vs 'Picco Neemo P'
2021. 3. 3. 20:353 bodies have very similar colors.
Nini body (from Ninimal) and Picco neemo P have more firm shoulder and hip joint than Obitsu11.
They don't fall apart from body.
Nini body have classic doll shape and Picco Neemo P have anime style arm and leg.
3pairs feet.
No problem with obitsu11 shoes.
neck joint
Very similar.
(Picco Neemo P have additional attachment parts for head.)
Mix and match of hand parts.
Nini body and Picco NeemoP have basic hands parts only.
And they are excellent in Candy Smoothie lolita dresses!!
So~~ adorable!!!