Written in 'Candy Smoothie'€ - 1210 posts

  1. 2013.11.15 Planetdoll Mini Riz
  2. 2013.11.06 New Tria twins !!
  3. 2013.11.05 Some printed paper!
  4. 2013.10.31 You better run! You better hide!
  5. 2013.10.23 Some new DIYs!

Planetdoll Mini Riz

2013. 11. 15. 18:03

플래닛돌 미니리즈

Almost done.

She will be Ebay Auction soon. ^ ^~~  

Posted by Candy smoothie      

New Tria twins !!

2013. 11. 6. 02:54

New Miniature Doll Tria twins are now on ETSY!


With their own Doll Room Box!

Posted by Candy smoothie      

Some printed paper!

2013. 11. 5. 04:16


 Can you guess what this for?

Posted by Candy smoothie      

You better run! You better hide!

2013. 10. 31. 03:47

I saw something sitting on your bed.
I saw something touching your head.
In the room where you sleep.

In The Room Where You Sleep by Dead Man's Bones

Posted by Candy smoothie      

Some new DIYs!

2013. 10. 23. 03:49

Some new DIYs updated ETSY!

Posted by Candy smoothie      