Happy New Year!
2010. 1. 1. 05:28Season's Greetings ~
When New Year´s Day, Koreans visit relative and friends wearing
traditional dress Hanbok~
Written in 'Candy Smoothie' - 1210 posts
Happy New Year!2010. 1. 1. 05:28Season's Greetings ~ When New Year´s Day, Koreans visit relative and friends wearing traditional dress Hanbok~ 明けましておめでとうございます. 本年もよろしくお願いします. Oh, ems, ems, ems2009. 12. 29. 02:13I tried to send ems by prepaid envelope today. I finally found that there is reason when people do not use it. There is little error in the online application. It needed 6 phone calls and 2 and half hours to fix it. And post office lady mentions EMS envelope is only for send documents (-papers) I make it work at this time. But send a doll dress in envelope was not a good idea. Seoul was covered with pressed slippery snow. Today was long day. Computer Issues2009. 12. 16. 23:41この一週間パソコンにちょっと問題がありました。 ハードディスクの寿命問題もしくはウィルス。 それはどうでもいい! 部品を交換するのは簡単ですけどデータのバックアップが大変でした。 時間かかりすぎ。T^T お蔭様でせっかく作ったクロテッドクリームを食べる時間もなかったんです。 My hard disk had got some problems this week. Maybe it was bad cluster or caught a computer virus. I change the harddisk, and it seem's everything's OK now. it was big to back up photos and other important files I made (maybe) Clotted cream. but it's still in my refrigerator. It would be very nice I have more time to enjoy tea. |