Written in 'Candy Smoothie'€ - 1212 posts

  1. 2013.12.31 New Year!!
  2. 2013.12.30 Doll Dresses
  3. 2013.12.10 Brownie doll Nene
  4. 2013.12.09 Make and Play
  5. 2013.11.30 Picco Neemo's Dress

New Year!!

2013. 12. 31. 12:27

2014 is coming! 

Happy New year!!

Posted by Candy smoothie      

Doll Dresses

2013. 12. 30. 19:52

I hope can finish this dresses in this year! 

Posted by Candy smoothie      

Brownie doll Nene

2013. 12. 10. 02:01

ベビーブルーのドレスせっとのBrownie doll Neneです。
(最近ずっと天気が悪かったので写真が。。。 T^T)

Brownie doll Nene in baby blue dress. 


Drawn thread work.

inside of skirts.

Black Mary Jane.

Posted by Candy smoothie      

Make and Play

2013. 12. 9. 14:20

 When I was child I love to make character, situation and the world.
 It was more important than how to play.
 And I'm still. 
 I love dolls. Not because want to play with. I just like making something beautiful.
 I want to give gorgeous face and wear lovely garment. 
 Pretty circumstances and funny situations, play with dolls for there owners. not mine. 
 I face up, make wig, sew pin tuck, frilled lace.
 And I dare to show my creations 
up to world. 

 The doll is just perfect to me that

Posted by Candy smoothie      

Picco Neemo's Dress

2013. 11. 30. 21:59

아존 피코니모 커스텀돌 

OOAK Picco neemo Pink hair girl.
Sweet purple eye and lovely face!
This lovely lady's garments are like this. 

Pink dress, Panier, Apron.
And dark brown Azone lace up boots

 Detail of dress. Full frill skirts. 
I use Cotton voile and Leavers lace.
Hands are changed gripping hands.

 With apron.

Her Ebay auction will start December 1. 
 Don't miss this precious girl! 

Posted by Candy smoothie      