Written in 'Candy Smoothie'€ - 1212 posts

  1. 2012.05.31 Paperdolls
  2. 2012.05.21 I bought some new fabric.
  3. 2012.05.16 Wig and shoes for Unua
  4. 2012.05.14 Making of little Dress forms.
  5. 2012.05.13 Now Unua twins are on Etsy


2012. 5. 31. 14:37

 I made some paper goods and Updated my Etsy shop.
Paperdolls are laser printed on 240g shimmer paper.
(Personally I like this paper so much!)

 Hope you like it.
Posted by Candy smoothie      

I bought some new fabric.

2012. 5. 21. 19:00

Because run out of Voil(one of my favorite fabric) I bought some new fabric.

Posted by Candy smoothie      

Wig and shoes for Unua

2012. 5. 16. 15:42

Unua's Head Circumference is  9 CM (approx)
She wear wig for Pukipuki. (3~4 inch wig)
3.5 inch is best.
Maybe 4inch wig (for Pocket fairy) is little big.

(Up- Ballerina wig blond by Glib
Down - Customized wig by Lati - for White)

(Up - 30mm Vintage Boots pink by Glib
Down - Atelier 613 Flat shoes for 1/6 scale dolls)

Her  Feet length: 2.2 CM and Feet width: 0.9 CM
She can wear 1/6 scale doll shoes like Momoko , Takara Jenny, Blythe.  
She wear Glib's 30mm shoes and Azone 27ch doll shoes without problem.
But you should care about the height of boots.  
I don't recommend long boots for Momoko and other approx 27cm dolls.
They have much much longer legs.

Posted by Candy smoothie      

Making of little Dress forms.

2012. 5. 14. 02:42

For make hard dress form for little dolls start is carve iso-pink.
It's necessary to change a sharp new blade If you want to carve polystyrene

Dress form for Unua.
Cover up chiffon fabric.

This is for Tiny BJD.
Left one is cover up by chiffon right is gauze.
Small dress forms are not perfectly finished as SD or MSD size dress form.
But I think they are still very cute.

Posted by Candy smoothie      

Now Unua twins are on Etsy

2012. 5. 13. 18:26

Finally I update my first unua twins.

Meet this lovely girls!!
Left girl in pink is white skin and right one is normal skin.

Miniature doll for little girls.
I made all sculpt and painting.

Easy magnetic on- off hands

Please be careful don't lose small hands.

I'll update more photo soon.
More about wig and shoes too!

Posted by Candy smoothie      