Written in 'Candy Smoothie'€ - 1212 posts

  1. 2011.05.24 may be weary
  2. 2011.05.21 PukiFee Ante
  3. 2011.05.16 Make a doll trunk.
  4. 2011.05.08 Snack break
  5. 2011.04.19 Pentax K-r Hot Shoe Cover miniature

may be weary

2011. 5. 24. 18:03

I love this nice steel blue fabric.
But when I make some dresses with this fabric, there is always
something bother me.
This dress is too. It didn't finished nicely inside.  
I can't update this on etsy. It's not qualify.
I can't feel satisfaction with my hand and hardly get fun with making with it.
I need some energy.

Pukipuki, Lati white サイズのお洋服です。
Posted by Candy smoothie      

PukiFee Ante

2011. 5. 21. 03:35

I bought a Puki Ante at personal trading  
I think the doll is Pukipuki Ante without a doubt.
But today when I open the box I found there is pukiFee Ante.
I'm so suprised and confused. It's not what I exactly wanted.
But after consideration, I decide to keep her.
On good side, now I can make dress for Pukefee!

(It's not a such thing as a dress in this picture.
I just wrap some laces!! ^‿^)
Posted by Candy smoothie      

Make a doll trunk.

2011. 5. 16. 23:24

 お人形トランク に初めて挑戦しました。

  I made a doll trunk for PF kitty.
  Made from bass wood, balsa wood.
Posted by Candy smoothie      

Snack break

2011. 5. 8. 17:34

french toast +drip coffee ( Guatemala)



Posted by Candy smoothie      

Pentax K-r Hot Shoe Cover miniature  by Takaratomy.
It's very cute. Pink& White!
A little bit small to SD9 girl's hand.
I think it's big for Blythe and 1/6  dolls.

PENTAX K-x ミニチュアマスコット です。
Posted by Candy smoothie      