Written in 'Candy Smoothie'€ - 1212 posts

  1. 2010.10.08 Gradation nails
  2. 2010.10.03 Refreshing Time
  3. 2010.09.28 Feel Like a Zombie
  4. 2010.09.14 Antique doll printed cushion
  5. 2010.09.09 Sleeping Gabriel

Gradation nails

2010. 10. 8. 15:18

Posted by Candy smoothie      

Refreshing Time

2010. 10. 3. 14:32

A cup of nice tea and something sweet.
Posted by Candy smoothie      

Feel Like a Zombie

2010. 9. 28. 00:22

Days continued with lost absorption for anything.
Maybe I need praise.
No. it'll be very nice any little encouragement.
Something makes me feel I do something meaningful.

... Late night is not appropriate for writing.
Posted by Candy smoothie      

Antique doll printed cushion

2010. 9. 14. 00:07

Posted by Candy smoothie      

Sleeping Gabriel

2010. 9. 9. 03:35

可愛い~ まさに、眠り姫ですね。^^
Posted by Candy smoothie      