Written in 'Candy Smoothie'€ - 1212 posts

  1. 2010.01.25 Fairy Dust
  2. 2010.01.16 Out of condition
  3. 2010.01.01 Happy New Year!
  4. 2009.12.29 Oh, ems, ems, ems
  5. 2009.12.23 It's Winter.

Fairy Dust

2010. 1. 25. 00:34

Add gold glitter looks like Fairy Dust.
Posted by Candy smoothie      

Out of condition

2010. 1. 16. 01:39

I have to find new house.
There is always small problems in life, but that's the one brings stomach ache now.
By too many stress, my condition is not quite well recently.  
I hope maybe tomorrow will be better.

I need to be optimist!!!
Posted by Candy smoothie      

Happy New Year!

2010. 1. 1. 05:28

Season's Greetings ~
When New Year´s Day, Koreans visit relative and friends wearing
traditional dress  Hanbok~

Posted by Candy smoothie      

Oh, ems, ems, ems

2009. 12. 29. 02:13

I tried to send ems by prepaid envelope today.
I finally found that there is reason when people do not use it.
There is little error in the online application.
It needed 6 phone calls and 2 and half hours to fix it.  
And post office lady mentions EMS envelope is only for send
documents (-papers)
I make it work at this time.
But send a doll dress in envelope was not a good idea.
Seoul was covered with pressed slippery snow.
Today was long day.  
Posted by Candy smoothie      

It's Winter.

2009. 12. 23. 18:39

비록 눈 보기는 힘듭니다만. ^^~
Posted by Candy smoothie      