Making Some Mohair Wigs.
2013. 3. 19. 14:59Can you guess who'll wear this wigs?
Almost, almost done!
Making Some Mohair Wigs.2013. 3. 19. 14:59Can you guess who'll wear this wigs? Almost, almost done! Miniature doll dress2013. 3. 18. 15:34Dying some laces for miniature doll. 미니어쳐인형용 드레스를 위해 레이스를 몇가지 색으로 염색해보았습니다. Pale mInt for spring! 그러고 보니 요즘 민트색이 유행중이던가요? Strawberry jelly2013. 3. 16. 02:25手作り苺ゼリー。 苺の半分は小さく切って煮込んで ゼリーのベースに。 半分は生のまま。 見た目は苺丸ごとのように綺麗じゃないけど とっても美味しかったです。 The lovely ones.2013. 2. 3. 01:49I took a short bisque doll class. Cast and first firing was prepared. What I do was choose color and paint the bisque. I wanted lovely dolls so I make pastel colored dolls. Such a small wings!! I love them!! |