Written in 'Candy Smoothie'€ - 1210 posts

  1. 2013.04.24 Default Boxes
  2. 2013.04.19 Hand Painted Dress.
  3. 2013.04.18 Information of Dua and Tria
  4. 2013.04.16 Dua and Tria
  5. 2013.04.13 Last spurt

Default Boxes

2013. 4. 24. 16:31

Doll Boxes of Unua ans Minis.

Hope you love it. 
Candy Smoothie Dollの箱です。



Duas in oval box.

(!! It may change I can't get same boxes.)

Posted by Candy smoothie      

Hand Painted Dress.

2013. 4. 19. 20:01


for make this unique dress. 



 Draw pattern and print it.

Use brush to draw.

 I use pébéo setacolor this time.

 This is pébéo gutta with metal tip.

 I draw some more and choose one for Dua's dress.)

this is alll hand drawn fabric. 
It's all beautiful, isn't it? 

Posted by Candy smoothie      

Information of Dua and Tria

2013. 4. 18. 17:45

Information of Dua and Tria 
-> http://doll.byus.net/candys/dua_tria/profile.html

There are some comparison photos.

Posted by Candy smoothie      

Dua and Tria

2013. 4. 16. 01:13

 Finally I can release my precious little dolls. 

And I announce there type name.

 I could't decide which one call Dua or Tria.

But it's the time.

 Real head girl is "Tria" and Anime head girl is "Dua"




So this girl is "Dua"

 And she is "Tria"


I Update Two new resin miniature dolls at my Etsy.

 And Auction will start soon.

 You will see Two unique and lovely girls.

よろしくお願いします。(* ̄∇ ̄*)

Hope you love girls! 

 I'll make This miniature resin doll's information page soon.



Posted by Candy smoothie      

Last spurt

2013. 4. 13. 16:18

 So many things to do.. 

Two girls will show at Etsy, and two girls are for auction. 

Please wait a bit. 

Posted by Candy smoothie      