Written in 'Candy Smoothie'€ - 1210 posts

  1. 2013.01.23 I'm taking a short trip!
  2. 2013.01.03 사소하지만...
  3. 2013.01.03 Piri - Only 6cm mini doll
  4. 2013.01.01 2013 is coming!!!
  5. 2012.12.27 Pink Bear!!

I'm taking a short trip!

2013. 1. 23. 00:06

짧은 여행 다녀옵니다.

주말까지 자리비울께요. ^ ^~~

I'm taking a short trip!

I'm too~~excited. Hope I can sleep few hours till morning. 

See you next Monday! 

 ちょっと旅に行ってきます~~ >_<///oooo

Posted by Candy smoothie      


2013. 1. 3. 02:37

손코팅을 사용한 이유중 하나..

Different ways to use

One of the reason it coated...

Posted by Candy smoothie      

Piri - Only 6cm mini doll

2013. 1. 3. 00:19

Hanss's Piri doll.

 She is smallest of small !
Only 6cm.

 comparison with pukipuki !

 Love her~ !!

Posted by Candy smoothie      

2013 is coming!!!

2013. 1. 1. 12:15

2013년이 밝았습니다. 새해 복 많이 받으세요!!

Happy New Year 2013!!


Posted by Candy smoothie      

Pink Bear!!

2012. 12. 27. 22:24

Pink Bear dress set for Tiny BJD.


Crochet Teddy bear headband by 

My dearest friend-> http://nila.co.kr/

( Thank you!! )
Good collaboration!

Posted by Candy smoothie      