keep trying

2007. 1. 5. 02:12

뭔가 무기력한 느낌..

I like polyester core thread.
Except don't have suitable color, I usually use that
Posted by Candy smoothie      

Happy New Year~

2006. 12. 31. 22:39

새해 복많이 받으세요~ ^^~
전 감기걸려 죽어가고 있.. 쿨럭

Seasons Greeting!
I have a cold..
Take care of your health.

風引いちゃいました OTL...
Posted by Candy smoothie      

Renew hompage-> Very thanks to Roux~
& Ebay auction started

루이나. 레크로 너희 둘은 싫어하는 티 너무 난다만
사고 1년묵혀뒀던 사이좋은 손파츠. 손잡고 가자 좀..

결론!! 힘냅시다~!
Posted by Candy smoothie      

Merry Christmas

2006. 12. 25. 16:19

And a happy New Year
Posted by Candy smoothie      


2006. 12. 14. 18:39

I'm tired
Posted by Candy smoothie      